District Coordinators and Quizmasters

In each UPCI District, the District Sunday School Division may appoint a Junior Bible Quiz Coordinator and the District Youth Division may appoint a Senior Bible Quiz Coordinator. The District Coordinators communicate directly with the JBQ and SBQ National Quiz Directors. District Quiz Coordinators are responsible for overseeing Bible quizzing in their district, including district tournaments. Each district may select other district quiz officials such as quizmasters to also help with quizzing within their district, as needed.

Listed below are all of the district coordinators and quizmasters for which we have information. If you would like to know how to directly contact the coordinator for your district, contact us with your request. Also, let us know if any of this information needs to be updated, or if you have additional information on coordinators in your district. If you are a district coordinator or quizmaster and would like to be added to this list, create a free online coordinator/quizmaster account or login to your account to update your information for the current quiz season.

There are 128 coordinators found.

Alabama District

Alaska/Yukon District

Arizona District

Arkansas District

Atlantic District

Canadian Plains District

Colorado District

Florida District

Georgia District

Illinois District

Indiana District

Iowa District

Kansas District

Kentucky District

Louisiana District

Maine District

Maryland/DC District

Michigan District

Minnesota District

Mississippi District

Missouri District

Nebraska District

New Jersey / Delaware District

New York Metro District

North Carolina District

North Dakota District

North Texas District

Ohio District

Oklahoma District

Ontario District

Oregon District

Pennsylvania District

Rocky Mountain District

South Carolina District

South Central Texas District

South Dakota District

South Texas Spanish

Southern California District

Tennessee District

Texas - (South TX District)

Texas District

Texico District


Virginia District

Washington District

West Virginia District

Western District

Wisconsin District