
2024 Bible Quiz Flashcards for Smartphones and Tablets

We have created flashcard decks for use with the Flashcards Deluxe app (currently $3.99) available in the Apple App Store, Google Play, and the Amazon App Store. Note that although these quiz decks work with the Flashcards Deluxe app, we are in no way associated with that app and cannot provide technical support for that product.

iPhone Verse Card 1     iPhone Verse Card 2

To use these decks with the Flashcards Deluxe app, do the following:

We recommend when you first install a deck and tap on it for use, tap the information icon in the upper right corner to display the Study Options page. For Cards to Study, you can narrow the verses to practice by book or in blocks of 10 verses. Between the two categories, be sure to change the And field to Or if needed to meet your needs. (You'll understand this when you see it in the app.)

2024 Reference/Verse Cards

These decks have the verse reference on one side and the full verse on the other side.

2024 Verse Beginnings/Reference Cards

These decks have the verse beginning on one side and the verse reference on the other side.

2024 Verse Endings/Reference Cards

These decks have the verse ending on one side and the verse reference on the other side.

2024 One-Time Words/Reference/Verse Cards

These decks have the one-time word on side 1, the reference on side 2, and the full verse on side 3. If desired, you can in the settings change the Card Layout to 'Side 3 on Back' so that it then becomes the one-time word on one side and the reference and verse on the other side.

2024 2-Time and 3-Time Words/Verse References Cards

These decks have the 2x or 3x word on one side, and the verse references on the other side.

2024 Deck Cards for Spanish Bible Quizzing

These decks are designed the same as the English cards, only in Spanish using the official Spanish verses for the Spanish Bible Quiz Program.